Welcome to Southern Ohio
Outfitters, Ohio's foremost outfit for Fair Chase Trophy
Whitetail and Turkey Hunting. If you take whitetail hunting
seriously, then Southern Ohio will stand out to you as one
of the best places in North America to hunt big whitetail.
Southern Ohio Outfitters is located in the heart of Southern
Ohio with beautiful rolling hills, plentiful agriculture
such as beans, corn, alfalfa, and food plot seed along with
that produces some of the largest whitetails in North
America such as the Willis Buck which scored a phenomenal
253" and was taken right where our properties are located.
Whitetail experts will confirm that we have the key
ingredients for consistently producing trophy bucks. If
you're looking for Ohio's premiere "big buck" area, and an
outfitter who understands hunting whitetails in their
domain, you've come to the right place.
With growing up in Southern Ohio and
being a lifelong
hunter, I believe I understand both what it takes to
grow quality deer and, as importantly, what the dedicated
hunter wants from an outfitter. Throughout the years
I've taken numerous mature whitetail and I personally know
what it takes for you to have a successful hunt, and that's
important. We boast high shot opportunities at pope and
young animals and have been successful at guiding many of
our hunters to their trophy of a lifetime.
Not only does our hunting stand out as being the best in
Ohio, but our hospitality and accommodations does as well,
with you being our focus when you stay. So, I invite you to
take a close look at our site and enjoy. You can contact us
on the web by clicking on our email address at the bottom of
this page or call me personally at (740) 288-5222.
We look forward to guiding you this fall.